Wszystkie modele Suszarki Foxydry
Suszarka sufitowa lub Ścienna, która odmieni twoją przestrzeń i poprawi jakość życia.
Wracasz do domu i widzisz ją tam, na środku korytarza –
to suszarka na ubrania, która nie ma wcale zamiaru ustąpić ci miejsca!
Tylko kilka metrów dzieli cię od kanapy, porozrzucane na podłodze skarpetki wskazują drogę do miejsca zasłużonego odpoczynku. Jeśli tam dotrzesz, będzie po wszystkim, ale prawda jest taka, że nigdy nie uda ci się usiąść…
Możliwości są dwie: albo pogodzisz się z tym, aby codziennie po powrocie z pracy robić slalom, albo zmienisz swoją codzienność z naszą kompaktową suszarką…
As Seen on

Odkryj nasze stojaki na suszarki
Kup model idealny dla siebie
What Foxydry Users Are Saying
Their stories, their spaces. Discover how our wall and ceiling-mounted drying racks have transformed the lives of thousands of customers worldwide, helping them save space and streamline their daily laundry routine.
I love the clean lines. It is easy to use. Updated my laundry room. I have 10 foot ceilings. It tucks up and out of sight. My husband thinks it is pretty awesome too. I had an electrician put it up and he thought it was very well built.
Perfect drying rack for our laundry room. We hated having the folding racks taking up space and I had never seen this before. It is high quality and has been working perfect. Love it!
This is the best laundry room space saver ever. Hanging laundry is a constant at my house. This appliance solves this unsightly cumbersome problem. Now I can walk through my laundry room with ease. Clothes dry very quickly.
The clothes I hang up on this ery so quickly! Definitely recommend if living in an apartment.
We installed it 1 week ago and we have already used several times. It's very easy to pull up and down and it looks good when not in use. So far very happy with it.
This is a fabulous, high quality product! I'm really delighted with it - no more clothes drying around the house all winter!! I'm recommending it to all my friend.
Maximum flexibility and good quality, we bought the first one 5 years ago and we use it daily, this is our second piece, fast shipping, we recommend it absolutely!
Living in a one room apartment I placed it in the closet and it's perfect. When not in use the grid fold against the wall, when in use the clothes are pulled up toward the ceiling so that I can walk in and out without any problem.
Love it. Holds so much washing and packs right up into the wall when not needed. A very good idea well executed.
Filozofia Foxydry
Dowiedz się, co wyróżnia Foxydry, ponieważ dążymy do stworzenia najskuteczniejszej linii produktów do domowej odnowy biologicznej.
You never know how your drying space can inspire others. Take your Foxydry drying rack to your home, and share your moments with #FoxydryLife for a chance to be featured.